#marvel cross over
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balis77 · 7 months ago
Honestly, the funniest thing DC could do right now is have a crossover episode between My Adventures With Superman and Batman: Caped Crusader with the explanation of "Oh, Caped Crusader isn't set in the 40s/50s or anything. Gotham is just Like That."
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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youcalledsworld · 1 year ago
Never ask Danny Phantom for Relationship Advice
Many would think that asking Danny Phantom for relationship advice would be a good idea. He and his wife are the only heroes who are actually married and they both can't help but gush about one another. But the Red Huntress has forbade him from giving relationship advice to other heroes especially the kids.
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cardboard-writer · 10 months ago
By comickergirl:
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oniburrito · 2 months ago
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At work decided having this squirrel girl and Pachirisu cross over just made sense
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gossippool · 6 months ago
q: how do you make an onion cry? (5.2k words, 1/1 chapters)
"You know, if it were anyone else I would have punched the daylights and rainbows out of you circa twenty insults ago," Wade says lightly. "What, you too soft to take it?" There are many things Wade brushes off, but words hit different when they come from someone you might probably definitely love. With time, Logan begins to unpeel Wade's many, many layers, and finds a man underneath it all.
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susvale · 1 year ago
M.I.A. Homelander X Reader X Steve Roger
Title: Missing In action
Pairings: Homelander X Reader, Steve Rogers X Reader, Dark Steve x Reader, Dark Homelander x reader [Crossover]
Summary: You were an avenger, one of the more magic ones. People called your name in excitement and felt safe being around you, then thanos happened… when you weren’t snapped and after a police call you were somewhere else. Now all you know is there is a man with a cap calling himself Homelander calling himself “Americas Hero” and the world is different… is it isn’t so bad though.
I made this is 2022, It’s been sitting in my drafts for that long… so yeah!
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[Part One] -> [Part Two]
It was overwhelming at times. Cameras in your face after a mission were you were left battered and bruised, nevertheless you smiled, you gave a proud smile to the reporters reporting. They had risked things coming here did it make your job harder, yes, the helicopters flying around while you try and fly. It added pressure to keep people in the air safe. At least you weren’t Steve, they made him do dumb shit, like that time he was in a Detention video spouting nonesense. You job was only to keep people safe. People may offer you movie rolls but you always decline, you weren’t an actor your a hero. Even if declining meant buying an okay-ish apartment with a broken Landry machine. You weren’t a millionaire, just a lady with the power to say “bang” and a mans head would explode if you wanted to. Even then, you had the option to live in Tony’s tower. Maybe then some random wouldn’t show up ever week looking to kill you. A sigh left your lips as you looked down at the TV, Thanos killed half the population and vanished. That is what’s in the News again. Men lost daughters, mothers lost sons but everybody lost someone. Even so it still stung he wouldn’t pick up your calls, you wanted to shout at him ‘your not dead yet and neither am I! stop ignoring me before one of those things change!’ Missions still came in, unsteady but they did come in.
“Maybe I should get a real job, part time.” You mumbled to yourself while you stared at the TV. Everyone you ever knew had distanced themselves or been snapped, maybe getting out would be good… people have been starting to expect that this is life, ‘maybe thanos was right my gym has been less crowded lately!’ Kinda people, jokes that might not be jokes anymore.
You still think about it, maybe he was right. It was horrible, you know. So many people lost and yet you didn’t lose anyone significant, Bucky of course but you were only just starting to get to know him… Steve maybe but you could still see him, feel him breathe, he didn’t get snapped. He was just distance, like he wished he did get snapped…
Witch hurt…
You didn’t have a family, friends outside of the avengers, hell you never had a boyfriend before Steve. How could you? Caged and trained like a dog, feed needles and pills like food. Given faces and names to quietly kill, you never had your own name till the avengers… Y/N… it was a nice name though. you named yourself off the first person you ever killed, you didn’t know if they would ever have agreed but they were dead… so it didn’t matter.
Steve and therapy, You remembered. Keep breathing don’t think about it. Or maybe it was think about it regret is good? Your therapist had been snapped so it’s been a while. The police called you once in and while about cases. Maybe answering back wouldn’t suck? You were lonely and bored, nothing to do then unsteady mission that lacked any sort of life.
Grabbing your phone you called a man. He was your contact to the police, you could never remember titles or anything like that but he was pretty high up.
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“Thank god you called, you use to be so active I was starting to worry you got snapped too.” He joked, people cope with humor, you know that. Still, it irritated you that you and your friends put your life on the line and failed only to be joked about by people who didn’t know anything. Nevertheless, you gritted your teeth and held your tongue. “More and more people are disappearing. We think it may be an aftershock effect of some kind.”
“I doubt it.” You mumbled to yourself, he didn’t hear you and went on about the investigation. A group of people who agreed with Thanos’s ideals has been here and there, left and right. They think a select group talking it too far and hurting or making more people disappear. That sounded more likely, he told you about peoples corpses. Looked like they had been shot with high power lasers, or they’re heads have been smashed in. They had a certain person in custody, maybe if you worked with them you could find a way to undo the snap? That’s what the officer proposed anyway. You said your goodbyes and hung up the phone, you would be their for the interview is what you told them.
You should call Steve. This looked like such an important case, he had to know people were making more people disappear… it could lead to something. He would want to know.
So you did call him. He didn’t answer, instead you were greeted by the all so familiar call after the beep speech. It was nicer then actually speaking to him nowadays, though. “Heya, it’s Steve. Leave a uh… voicemail..? After the beep? Did I do that right?” You’d hear him call to someone in the background, “yeah, other then forgetting what a voicemail was called.” You heard your own distant voice greet you, “Steve you have to-“ you were the last thing you hear as the beep signalled the end of the recorded ‘can’t get to you’ message.
A sigh left you when you realized you’d have to speak now, “Hey Steve, the police called me and they have a case of more disappearing people. A group of Thanos supporters popped up making even more people disappear.” You paused, “I think it’s something you’ll be interested in, might lead to something, heh… listen, I miss you, it’s been so long since we’ve spoken. I… can’t…” your voice trailed off, you breathed in deciding not to do this over a call. “Anyway, call me when you get this. Can’t make it too long.”
That’s right. You couldn’t keep the police waiting… So you grabbed your bag and left. Off to the police station.“Hey, we put the suspect in the interrogation room.” The man spoke, he opened the door to a standard interrogation room. Blue walls, four barely cushioned chairs and a table in the middle closet to a wall. The suspect looked like a regular man. You frowned.
This all felt too… cultish? It made you uncomfortable, the look in his eye. He looked at you like you were a god among men.
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this just in: a new spider woman seen carrying around a... tape recorder???
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months ago
Appendix: Acts of Vengeance, Marvel Event (the issue list was taken from Marvel Fandom)
Loki, in disguise, helped the Prime Movers (Dr Doom, Kingpin, Magneto, Mandarin, and Red Skull) to come up with a plan to switch up their foes and try to change the dynamic by attacking someone else.
Alpha Flight Alpha Flight #79, Alpha Flight #80
Amazing Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man #326, Amazing Spider-Man #327, Amazing Spider-Man #328 and Amazing Spider-Man #329 (aftermath).
Avengers Avengers #311, Avengers #312, Avengers #313, and Avengers Annual #19 (aftermath).
Avengers West Coast Avengers: West Coast #53, Avengers: West Coast #54, and Avengers: West Coast #55
Avengers Spotlight Avengers Spotlight #26, Avengers Spotlight #27, Avengers Spotlight #28, and Avengers Spotlight #29
Captain America Captain America #365, Captain America #366, and Captain America #367
Cloak and Dagger Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger #8 (prelude), Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger #9
Damage Control Damage Control (Vol. 2) #1, Damage Control (Vol. 2) #2, Damage Control (Vol. 2) #3, Damage Control (Vol. 2) #4
Daredevil Daredevil #275, Daredevil #276.
Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #11, Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #12, Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #13.
Fantastic Four Fantastic Four #334, Fantastic Four #335, Fantastic Four #336.
Incredible Hulk Incredible Hulk #363
Iron Man Iron Man #251, and Iron Man #252.
Marc Spector: Moon Knight Marc Spector: Moon Knight #8, Marc Spector: Moon Knight #9, Marc Spector: Moon Knight #10.
New Mutants New Mutants #84, New Mutants #85, New Mutants #86.
Power Pack Power Pack #53.
Punisher Punisher (Vol. 2) #28, Punisher (Vol. 2) #29
Punisher War Journal Punisher War Journal #12, Punisher War Journal #13.
Quasar Quasar #5, Quasar #6.
Spectacular Spider-Man Spectacular Spider-Man #158, Spectacular Spider-Man #159, Spectacular Spider-Man #160.
Thor Mighty Thor #410 (prelude), Mighty Thor #411, Mighty Thor #412.
Uncanny X-Men Uncanny X-Men #256, Uncanny X-Men #257, Uncanny X-Men #258.
Web of Spider-Man' Web of Spider-Man #59, Web of Spider-Man #60, Web of Spider-Man #61, Web of Spider-Man #64, Web of Spider-Man #65.
Wolverine Wolverine (Vol. 2) #19, Wolverine (Vol. 2) #20
X-Factor X-Factor #50.
It was also riffed on and explored with
What The...?! What The--?! #6 "Smacks of Vengeance"
What If..? What If...? #31 "What if Spider-Man had kept his cosmic powers"
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year ago
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“Tigra,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #2.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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societyfolklore · 2 months ago
Oh yes!
OOOO yeah.. have just stumbled the idea that will be my 2025-2026 MASSIVE writing project idea I think.
Wont start for a while want to get a lot more writing done, and 'better' before I tackle this one, this ideas too good to waste on my current skill level LOL but yeah I think I might have found my big AU idea... plus a lot of planning I think
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thebumblecee · 1 year ago
Whenever I think I’ve done my wildest drawing a WIP comes along and proves me wrong
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cardboard-writer · 10 months ago
Wonder Woman and Captain America by Chris Samnee:
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giurochedadomani · 7 months ago
I've just watched deadpool and in my mind there's a version of loki in which the baddie is president loki. As it happens in the comics, sylvie is a normal girl that one day wakes up with magic powers (that loki gave her). She starts being hunted down by the tva because she's a variant, she wasn't supposed to exist with her magic powers in her timeline, and thus is very easy for president loki to take her under his wing and manipulate her so she assists him in his nefarious plan
that would only add more onto the very obvious paralels between sylvie and loki and loki and thor, in which our loki ends up in the position he always left thor at. loki could just take a look to Sylvie and president Loki and still tell her: this is not the way, while fully thinking about himself and thanos. I know you feel this is your only escape. I know you're in such a bad place that the only solution that comes to mind is destroying everything. that you're ready to do whatever it takes to do it. trust me, i've been where you are. trust me, this is not the way
the way they could have done such a nice thing about loki accepting himself, about him making peace with his inner self i will forever be so bitter about it.
and of course loki and mobius would smooch, but if I start ranting about the missed opportunity of an epic romance OUTSIDE TIME AND SPACE I WILL SCREAM
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kstarlitchaotics · 11 months ago
I don't really care whom you want to ship with each character I don't care if people WANT to ship Magneto and Rouge by all means but the second if anyone tells me my ship is wrong or I shouldn't do it cause it's "unethical" that will be a problem
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balu8 · 1 year ago
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Archie Meets The Punisher
by  Batton Lash, John Buscema, Stan Goldberg, Tom Palmer, Barry Grossman and  Jack Morelli ; cover by  Stan Goldberg and  Henry Scarpelli
Archie Comics/Marvel Comics
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